Cardinality of power set of $\mathbb N$ is equal to cardinality of $\mathbb R$ [duplicate]
I. There is an injection $f:P(\mathbb N)\to\mathbb R,$ that is, $|P(\mathbb N)|\le|\mathbb R|.$
Proof. For $S\subseteq\mathbb N$ define $f(S)=\sum_{n\in S}10^{-n}.$
II. There is an injection $g:\mathbb R\to P(\mathbb N),$ that is, $|\mathbb R|\le|P(\mathbb N)|.$
Proof. Fix an enumeration $\mathbb Q=\{q_n:n\in\mathbb N\}$ of the set $\mathbb Q$ of all rational numbers, and define $g(x)=\{n:q_n\lt x\}.$
The equality $|P(\mathbb N)|=|\mathbb R|,$ that is, the existence of a bijection between $P(\mathbb N)$ and $\mathbb R,$ follows from I and II by virtue of the Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein theorem. Since I can't tell from your question if you are familiar with that theorem, I will now give a proof.
III. Lemma (Knaster–Tarski Fixed Point Theorem). If a function $\varphi:P(A)\to P(A)$ satisfies the condition $$X\subseteq Y\implies\varphi(X)\subseteq\varphi(Y)$$ for all $X,Y\subseteq A,$ then $\varphi(S)=S$ for some $S\subseteq A.$
Proof. Let $\mathcal F=\{X:X\subseteq\varphi(X)\}$ and let $S=\bigcup\mathcal F.$ First note that, if $X\in\mathcal F,$ then $X\subseteq S$ and $X\subseteq\varphi(X)\subseteq\varphi(S).$ Since every member of $\mathcal F$ is a subset of $\varphi(S),$ it follows that $S=\bigcup\mathcal F\subseteq\varphi(S),$ that is, $S\in\mathcal F.$ From $S\in\mathcal F$ it follows that $\varphi(S)\in\mathcal F,$ whence $\varphi(S)\subseteq S,$ and so $\varphi(S)=S.$
IV. Theorem (Cantor–Schröder–Bernstein). If there are injections $f:A\to B$ and $g:B\to A,$ then there is a bijection between $A$ and $B.$
Proof. Define a function $\varphi:P(A)\to P(A)$ by setting $$\varphi(X)=A\setminus g[B\setminus f[X]]$$ for $X\subseteq A,$ and observe that $X\subseteq Y\subseteq A\implies\varphi(X)\subseteq\varphi(Y).$ By the lemma, there is a set $S\subseteq A$ such that $\varphi(S)=S,$ that is, $g[B\setminus f[S]]=A\setminus S.$ Thus, $f$ maps $S$ bijectively onto $f[S],$ and $g$ maps $B\setminus f[S]$ bijectively onto $A\setminus S,$ so there is a bijection between $A$ and $B.$
Hint: think of an element of $P(\Bbb N)$ as corresponding to a binary expansion-for a given subset $A$, let $x=\sum_{i \in A} 2^{-i}$ This gives you (almost) a bijection between $P(\Bbb N)$ and $[0,1]$
Imitate/replicate Cantor's diagonal.
Assume P (N) is countable and that we can index each subset as $A_i $ for some natural $i $.
Now consider the set $B =\{n \in \mathbb N| n \not \in A_n \} $. In other words create a new set by going through the sets $A_i $. if $i \in A_i $ exclude it. If $i \not \in A_i$ include it.
The resulting set will be distinct from all $A_i $ which means our indexing was not surjective which means no injective map from the naturals to P (N) exist, and P (N) is not countable.
As Asaf Karagila points out this answer oversimplifies and merely shows that P(N) is uncountable but not that it has the cardinality of the reals.
On the other hand, I wouldn't say my answer doesn't address the question "at all".
As my argument replicates Cantors diagonals we can continue to conclude the same results as Cantors diagonal would conclude.
$P(\mathbb N) \cong \times_{\mathbb N}\{0,1\}$ via mapping $A \subset \mathbb N \rightarrow (x_1, x_2, x_3,..... )$ where $x_i = 1$ if $i \in A$ and $x_i = 0$ if $i \not \in A$. (And by Cantor's diagonal both are uncountable-- although that was never asked to be shown apparently.)
And $| \times_{\mathbb N}\{0,1\} | = |\mathbb R|$ is a standard analysis result.
$ \times_{\mathbb N}\{0,1\} \cong \{\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{x_k}{2^k}|(x_1,x_2,x_3,...,x_k,...) \in \{0,1\}^{\mathbb N}\}$ is clear when we show no two different sequences of {$x_i$} yield equal sums. (Which is straightforward to show).
We have to then show $\{\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{x_k}{2^k}|x_k \in \{0,1\}\}= [0,1]$ which .... is tedious but the completeness/least upper bound property of the reals leads directly to that.
And finally we must show $[0,1] \cong \mathbb R$ with is a standard result. $(0,1) \cong \mathbb R$ via $x \rightarrow \arctan x$. And with tedium we can show for infinite $S$ and finite $I$ that $|S| = |S \cup I|$.
And that does it. Although as no-one ever asked to show $P(\mathbb N)$ was uncountable, I could have skipped Cantor's diagonal altogether and just gone to the postscript.
But if I had done that, the clear parallel between $A \subset \mathbb N$ and $x \in [0,1]$ wouldn't have been immediately clear.