Laravel Controller Subfolder routing

I'm new to Laravel. To try and keep my app organized I would like to put my controllers into subfolders of the controller folder.

---- folder1
---- folder2

I tried to route to a controller, but laravel doesn't find it.

Route::get('/product/dashboard', 'folder1.MakeDashboardController@showDashboard');

What am I doing wrong?

For Laravel 5.3 above:

php artisan make:controller test/TestController

This will create the test folder if it does not exist, then creates TestController inside.

TestController will look like this:

namespace App\Http\Controllers\test;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class TestController extends Controller
    public function getTest()
        return "Yes";

You can then register your route this way:


Add your controllers in your folders:

---- folder1
---- folder2

Create your route not specifying the folder:

Route::get('/product/dashboard', 'MakeDashboardController@showDashboard');


composer dump-autoload

And try again

For those using Laravel 5 you need to set the namespace for the controller within the sub-directory (Laravel 5 is still in development and changes are happening daily)

To get a folder structure like:


namespace Admin\PostsController.php file like so:

<?php namespace App\Http\Controller\Admin;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class PostsController extends Controller {

    //business logic here

Then your route for this is:

$router->get('/', 'Admin\PostsController@index');

And lastly, don't for get to do either composer or artisan dump

composer dump-autoload


php artisan dump