How to install an App that asks for admin rights without giving it admin rights?

Solution 1:

This may be what you want: Create a Sandbox for apps using folder actions

Solution 2:

Hold on. Snow Leopard has excellent sandboxing. Really nice tools in fact. Their documentation is dried cat poo, but the tools are nice.

man -k sandbox 

will give you the manpages you need.

Keep in mind that if you download something executable, it should be quarantined by default

ls -l@Oe will show you all the ACL's etc , and quarantine should be in there. Nothing will run out of a quarantine , Apple says, so you can dive in via Terminal and see exactly what is being installed and how.

OT: I hate the brusqueness of the install dialog, how it just says "This installer from the internet need your admin password, chop,chop!" I should be have the option to examine the installer from the authentication dialog...