Text/Design Tab Missing New Android Project on Android Studio IDE

How can I enable the text/design Tab on the a src/main/res/layout folder on the activity_main.xml file that was created automatically during create new project? If i do right click and create xml file on the said folder, the design/text tab exist. Any suggestion? Thanks.

No Text/Design Tab on the Bottom Part of the Android Studio

Creating a new XML in the Res/Layout Folder, the design/text tab is now present.

Any help? this is super weird guys...

In Android Studio 3.6 use these three buttons (Code | Split | Design), on top right, to switch between views.

Split button at top right

I had the same problem, restarting the IDE did make that tab appear again.

On Android Studio 3.6.1 Top Right corner under the main toolbar you have three different icons (Code, Split, Design).

View -> Tool windows -> Preview .

Output view: