How to turn off automatic typing correction in Lion?

Since upgrading to Lion I notice that typing is automatically getting "corrected".

For example, I type "I posted to elance that" and the word elance automatically changes to "glance". I back up and change the 'g' to an 'e' and it changes it back to "glance" again.

I first noticed it in Mail, but I see it's also happening here in Safari too.

How do I turn this off? Note: I don't mind the 'red-squiggle' when it thinks there's a typo, but I don't want it automatically changing my text.

Go to system preferences -> and then language/text

Hit the "Text" tab.

There is a checkbox that says "Correct spelling automatically". Uncheck it.

Look here for more info:

Open a terminal window, and run this:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool NO