Table Naming: Underscore vs Camelcase? namespaces? Singular vs Plural?

I've been reading a couple of questions/answers on StackOverflow trying to find the 'best', or should I say must accepted way, to name tables on a Database.

Most of the developers tend to name the tables depending on the language that requires the database (JAVA, .NET, PHP, etc). However I just feel this isn't right.

The way I've been naming tables till now is doing something like:


The things I'm concerned are:

  • Legibility
  • Quick identifying of the module the table is from (doctors||patients)
  • Easy to understand, to prevent confusions.

I would like to read any opinions regarding naming conventions. Thank you.

Solution 1:

Being consistent is far more important than what particular scheme you use.

Solution 2:

I typically use PascalCase and the entities are singular:


It mimics the naming conventions for classes in my application keeping everything pretty neat, clean, consistent, and easy to understand for everybody.

Solution 3:

Case insensitive nature of SQL supports Underscores_Scheme. Modern software however supports any kind of naming scheme. However sometimes some nasty bugs, errors or human factor can lead to UPPERCASINGEVERYTHING so that those, who selected both Pascal_Case and Underscore_Case scheme live with all their nerves in good place.