Why does (i<=j && j<=i && i!=j) evaluate to TRUE?

  • i <= j is evaluated to true, because auto unboxing happens for int comparisons and then both i and j hold the default value, 0.

  • j <= i is evaluated to true because of the above reason.

  • i != j is evaluated to true, because both i and j are different objects. And while comparing objects, there isn't any need of auto unboxing.

All the conditions are true, and you are not changing i and j in loop, so it is running infinitely.

Because you are comparing

  • 0 < = 0 (true) // unboxing

  • 0 > = 0 (true) // unboxing

  • reference != secondReference (true) as you are creating objects, not a primitive comparison. So it evaluates to while(true) { // Never ending loop }.