Accidentally changed Bluetooth mode to off

My Bluetooth device disappeared after I changed its mode from High Fidelity A2DP to off. Is this a bug? How can I get my speaker back into the audio menu?

I tried disconnecting and reconnecting. But it seems that Ubuntu remembers the Bluetooth setting and leaves it off.

Solution 1:

I've experienced this too, though it was not in the 'off' profile, but telephony profile for some reason.

Try installing pavucontrol, start it up (PulseAudio Volume Control), and reselect the A2DP profile used for your audio device there in the tab 'Configuration'. It should remember the profile the next time you plug in (or connect for Bluetooth).

Screenshot of pavucontrol for A2DP profile selection.

For a command-line way of doing this, try

BLUEZCARD=`pactl list cards short | egrep -o bluez.*[[:space:]]`
pactl set-card-profile $BLUEZCARD a2dp

As can be found in this answer (by @izx).