Solution 1: has a list of daily and weekly events:

Daily Events

  • Swarms
  • Massage (Castelia City)
  • Musical Props (Opelucid City)
  • Berry Clown (Castelia City)
  • Ferris Wheel Battle (Nimbasa City)
  • Heart Scale Lady (Drifveil City)
  • Cynthia Battle (Undella Town)
  • Furniture (Nacrene City)
  • GameFreak Battle
  • Opelucid City Battles
  • Star Piece Rock (Pinwheel Forest)
  • Sports Arenas Battles
  • Black City Trainers / White City Items
  • Royal Unova Battles
  • Undella Villa Battles
  • Patrat Game (Marvelous Bridge)
  • Weather Stones (Route 8)
  • Fossils (Twist Mountain Cave)
  • Village Bridge Waiter
  • Village Bridge Fisherman
  • Treasure Hunter (Route 13)

Weekly Events

  • Musharna (Dreamyard, Fridays)
  • Bianca Battle (Nuvema Town, Saturday)
  • Casteliacone (Castelia City, Tuesdays)
  • Anville Town - Lost Property
  • Anville Town - Item Trades