Finishing moves for each enemy type to get extra Demon Fangs?

According to this FAQ:

  • The following are floraled by Power Slash:
    • Green Imp
    • Red Imp
    • Yellow Imp
    • Black Imp
    • Bell Guardian
    • Chimera
    • Dead Fish
    • Thunder Doom Mirror
    • Tube Fox
    • Clay Flyer
    • Dogu
  • The following are floraled by Bloom:
    • Bud Ogre
  • The following are floraled by Cherry Bomb:
    • Headless Guardian
    • Halo Guardian
    • Executioner Guardian
    • Bucket Namahage
  • The following are floraled by Galestorm (or other source of wind):
    • Blue Imp
    • Crow Tengu
    • Fire Eye
    • Thunder Ear
    • Poltergeist
    • Namahage
    • Blade Namahage
    • Cannon Namahage
    • Umbrella Namahage
  • The following are floraled by Deluge (or other source of water):
    • Blue Cyclops
  • The following are floraled by Veil of Mist:
    • Ubume
    • Earth Nose
    • Wind Doom Mirror
    • Clay Soldier
    • Clay Samurai
    • Clay Shogun
    • Clay Drummer
  • The following are floraled by Inferno (or other source of fire):
    • Ice Mouth
    • Ice Doom Mirror
    • Igloo Turtle
    • Bull Charger
  • The following are floraled by Thunderstorm (or other source of lightning):
    • Red/Blue Oni
    • Jiro/Saburo/Ichiro
  • The following are floraled by Blizzard (or other source of ice):
    • Great Tengu