Does LibreOffice have an "Outline View" similar to Microsoft 2010?

I need to know where to find and how to use something similar to the outline view like in Microsoft Word?

LibreOffice Writer does not have any feature that is exactly like the outline view in MS Office 2010 (only Impress has that), but you can still use the Navigator, which is much more useful in my opinion.

To open it, just go to View>Navigator in the menu or press F5.

When you first open the Navigator it will be a floating Window. FloatingNavigator

If you drag the window to one side of the LibreOffice parent window, it will offer to dock the floating Navigator window.
Integrated Navigator

To make it float again if it's docked, hold ctrl and double click on the Navigator (in any non-button area), and it will pop out again.

There is a 3rd-party extension for LibreOffice (and OpenOffice) called Organon.

From the ReadMe on Gitub:

Organon allows to split up large texts into parts, allows tagging and opening parts of the project in new tabs.

  • Parts are shown in a treeview. Entries can be moved by drag and drop.
  • Every entry can be tagged.
  • Tags are freely configurable, can be renamed, created and deleted. Organon's Organizer is a fast way of showing and editing all tags at once.
  • Tabs can be opened based on these tags. They also might freely be chosen from the folders and files of the project and they might be sorted by date and/or time.

More information is available at the link, above. The author also has a blog/roadmap available with a commenting facility (there is also an issue tracker at Github).