put image in thunderbird signature

I would like to put a small image in my Thunderbird signature. I edited signature.html to add the false stuff, but the image still doesn't appear.

<img moz-do-not-send="false" alt= etc. etc.>

Any suggestions? (step by step, please)

Solution 1:

How to use an image as Thunderbird signature

  1. Put the image file in C:\ and rename it to image (for convenience)
  2. Open Notepad
  3. Type these HTML codes

    <b>Jhon Cena</b>
    <br><img moz-do-not-send="false" src="file:///C:/image.gif" alt="Signature">
  4. Save it to C:\ as Test.html
  5. You should have 2 files in C:\ drive: image.gif and Test.html
  6. Open Mozilla Thunderbird and login to your account
  7. Go to Tools Menu and select Account Settings
  8. Highlight your account
  9. Tick the option Attach the signature from a file instead (text, html or image)
  10. Click on Choose, navigate to C:, open Test.html and click OK
  11. To Test if its working, simply write a mail by clicking Write Button

enter image description heretested on Windows XP Pro SP3