Can not download sources with Intellij Idea community 12.1.4 and maven 3.0.5

Solution 1:

In Intellij 2017.x, 2016.x, 15.x, 14.x the given solution does not work as the option is removed.

The problem can be solved by changing JDK for Importer to a latest JDK instead of User Internal JRE which was 1.6.0 by default on Mac

The setting JDK For Importer can be found in:

Preferences -> Build, Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing

Solution 2:

Running IDEA version 12.1.6 and I have the same issue.

When I uncheck the following option it does work:

Settings > Maven > Importing > Use Maven3 to import project

Solution 3:

I had the same issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.3 and Maven 3.2.1. No solution mentioned here was working. In my case a newer Maven version fixed the issue. With Maven 3.3.9 IDEA can now download the sources.

Solution 4:

"I had the same issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.3 and Maven 3.2.1. No solution mentioned here was working. In my case a newer Maven version fixed the issue. With Maven 3.3.9 IDEA can now download the sources."

anything's already in the former answers...

  • download sources in your repo mvn dependency:sources
  • F4 on the class you want to check the sources out
  • locate the source jar in your local repository

maybe it is not a full IDE solution, but hope it solves your issue