How to make a python, command-line program autocomplete arbitrary things NOT interpreter

Solution 1:

Use Python's readline bindings. For example,

import readline

def completer(text, state):
    options = [i for i in commands if i.startswith(text)]
    if state < len(options):
        return options[state]
        return None

readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

The official module docs aren't much more detailed, see the readline docs for more info.

Solution 2:

Follow the cmd documentation and you'll be fine

import cmd

addresses = [
    '[email protected]',
    '[email protected]',
    '[email protected]',

class MyCmd(cmd.Cmd):
    def do_send(self, line):

    def complete_send(self, text, line, start_index, end_index):
        if text:
            return [
                address for address in addresses
                if address.startswith(text)
            return addresses

if __name__ == '__main__':
    my_cmd = MyCmd()

Output for tab -> tab -> send -> tab -> tab -> f -> tab

help  send
(Cmd) send
[email protected]            [email protected]         [email protected]
(Cmd) send [email protected]

Solution 3:

Since you say "NOT interpreter" in your question, I guess you don't want answers involving python readline and suchlike. (edit: in hindsight, that's obviously not the case. Ho hum. I think this info is interesting anyway, so I'll leave it here.)

I think you might be after this.

It's about adding shell-level completion to arbitrary commands, extending bash's own tab-completion.

In a nutshell, you'll create a file containing a shell-function that will generate possible completions, save it into /etc/bash_completion.d/ and register it with the command complete. Here's a snippet from the linked page:

    local cur prev opts
    opts="--help --verbose --version"

    if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then
        COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
        return 0
complete -F _foo foo

In this case, the typing foo --[TAB] will give you the values in the variable opts, i.e. --help, --verbose and --version. For your purposes, you'll essentially want to customise the values that are put into opts.

Do have a look at the example on the linked page, it's all pretty straightforward.

Solution 4:

I am surprised that nobody has mentioned argcomplete, here is an example from the docs:

from argcomplete.completers import ChoicesCompleter

parser.add_argument("--protocol", choices=('http', 'https', 'ssh', 'rsync', 'wss'))
parser.add_argument("--proto").completer=ChoicesCompleter(('http', 'https', 'ssh', 'rsync', 'wss'))

Solution 5:

Here is a full-working version of the code that was very supplied by ephemient here (thank you).

import readline

addrs = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]']

def completer(text, state):
    options = [x for x in addrs if x.startswith(text)]
        return options[state]
    except IndexError:
        return None

readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")

while 1:
    a = raw_input("> ")
    print "You entered", a