Chrome: console.log, console.debug are not working

Click “Default levels” and make sure that "Info" is checked. By default it is only set to show Errors and Warnings

I came here with the same problem :/

For completeness: In the current version of chrome, the setting is no longer at the bottom but can be found when clicking the "Filter" icon at the top of the console tab (second icon from the left)

As of today, the UI of developer tools in Google chrome has changed where we select the log level of log statements being shown in the console. There is a logging level drop down beside "Filter" text box. Supported values are Verbose, Info, Warnings and Errors with Info being the default selection.

enter image description here

Any log whose severity is equal or higher will get shown in the "Console" tab e.g. if selected log level is Info then all the logs having level Info, Warning and Error will get displayed in console.

When I changed it to Verbose then my console.debug and console.log statements started showing up in the console. Till the time Info level was selected they were not getting shown.

Same issue, but I just cleared my settings. I went into Settings > Preferences and Clicked [Restore defaults and reload]. Just remember what your settings were.

enter image description here