App not showing in admob when trying to link?

Don't know if it's ok to ask this question here, but I didn't know where to ask it...

I have made an app with an ad from AdMob. It works just fine, showing up in the app and everything. The problem is when I want to link my app in the AdMob interface, my app is not showing when I search the market.

But I know that it's actually on the market because I can find it when searching on

enter image description here This is what I want to do. It says Link your app!

Anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it?


It is this part that I have a problem with: enter image description here At the red arrow, where it says "Find your app in the search..." My app is not showing in the search result, but I know that it is on the market!

You need to wait a little bit more after publishing your app because AdMob indexes Play store and iTunes about every 48h.

My app took 2+ days to show up in Admob. Wait, it will show up. If your app name is a bit too common (like mine was "memes") - I would recommend to search by developer name. Admob will try to list all apps of that developer.