User Profile keeps loading TEMP Profile

I am having a difficult time with an issue that our support staff won't support (as they will not support Vista). I am able to log into our domain without any issue, however, when I go home and log into my domain account (disconnected), everything works great. I log out that night, redock my computer on our domain network and BLAMO, I get loaded into a TEMP profile.

When I look under the event view, I get the following messages. There are 3 others that follow it, relating to this event, however, I don't want to spam the threads unless you deem it necessary.

Log Name:      Application
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service
Date:          6/3/2009 6:53:21 AM
Event ID:      1508
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      xxx
Windows was unable to load the registry. This problem is often caused by insufficient memory or insufficient security rights. 

 DETAIL - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
 for C:\Users\xxx\ntuser.dat
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles Service" Guid="{89B1E9F0-5AFF-44A6-9B44-0A07A7CE5845}" />
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-06-03T11:53:21.416184400Z" />
    <Correlation ActivityID="{02CFD900-F800-0000-E482-E0C041E4C901}" />
    <Execution ProcessID="112" ThreadID="304" />
    <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
    <Data Name="Error">The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
    <Data Name="File">C:\Users\xxx\ntuser.dat</Data>

I'm just frustrated that I can't get support and most of the search articles I came across had to do with local accounts. I did make a backup of the "functioning" profile, in hopes to restore that once everything is back to normal.

I've logged in as a local admin to the box and renamed the "corrupt" profile in hopes that it would simply be rebuilt when I logged back into my domain account. However, when I did that, it STILL logged into the TEMP profile...grr!

Thanks in advanced, Aaron

Solution 1:

To generate a new profile along with renaming the user profile folder, you also need to remove the profile from the registry. This is found in HKLM/software/Microsoft/windows nt/current version/profilelist Scroll through until you find the correct username. Delete this string and then log back onto the computer with the account and it will create a new user profile and will no longer logon with a temp profile.

Solution 2:

I appreciate all of the responses and I apologize if my question was out of context for the site. The issue was finally resolved with some removals of the computer account from the domain, as well as deletion of the temp and domain user profiles on the local machine. Again, I apologize if this is out of context for the site.

Solution 3:

I had this issue with an imaged hard drive. The user account would not create a profile and there wasn't any in the registry marked as bad. The profile was an AD profile marked as roaming. My AD admin account had worked fine so I suspected it was a permissions issue. I took the path out of the users AD account settings then reapplied permissions on the hard drive for the C:\USERS folder and logged in as the user again. That corrected it.