How to install LP_solve solver on Yosemite?

I want to install java based "lp_solve" LP solver on my MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite. I tried to follow the instructions given here. But when I run sh ccc.osx, it is not creating the liblpsolve55.dylib and liblpsolve55.dylib. I need help installing this solver. Or maybe suggest me a similar solver which is easy to install on OS X Yosemite.

The easiest way is doing it using homebrew. You just need to type the following couple of commands in a terminal window:

brew tap brewsci/science
brew install lp_solve

If you don't have homebrew installed, just type the following to install before the previous commands:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

What's your problem in specific? Any error messages?

I just tried to compile it and I didn't run into any problem:

$ cd lpsolve55/
$ sh ccc.osx
$ ls  bin/osx64/
liblpsolve55.a     liblpsolve55.dylib