Enable spell check for various languages in Chrome

I use Yosemite with Chrome version 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit). When writing in a text area the spell checker correctly detects English and French, but does not detect Spanish, and so it marks as wrong correctly written Spanish words:


I don't know why it happens. English, French and Spanish are set in Chrome:


and also in the Mac preferences:


Is there any setting to have Chrome/MacOS detect Spanish like it does for French and English?

Solution 1:

I do not use Chrome (often) and Firefox is my favorite browser.

So I added Spanish to the Spell check and if I right click and select it it works just fine.


One drawback is it applies to the whole text so I can not spell check just a single word.

If you want to do that in Chrome:

Under the Edit tab select the Spelling and Grammar-> Show


Now select Spanish


Solution 2:

The place where you set spell check is System Preferences/Keyboard/Text/Spelling. Go to the Setup item there and check the boxes for all three languages you want, and then set it to Automatic. Automatic doesn't always work perfectly, however. Below is the result I get with just boxes for English, French, and Spanish checked and set to Automatic.

enter image description here