How do I perform presidential proper noun declension?
Solution 1:
Coolidgean is in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, so even though it sounds really weird to me, I expect it's the most acceptable form.
Solution 2:
Washingtonian Adamsonian Jeffersonian
Madisonian Monrovian Jacksonian
Burenian Harrisonian Tylerian
Polkian Taylorian Filmorian
Pierceian Buchananian Lincolnian
Johnsonian Grantonian Hayesian
Garfieldian Arthurian Clevelandian
Harrisonian McKinleyan Rooseveltian
Howardian Wilsonian Hardingian
Coolidgean Hooverian Trumanian
Eisenhoweran (can't find a cite for this, but maybe "Ikeian"?)
Kennedian Nixonian Fordian
Carterian Reaganian Bushonian
Clintonian Obamaian
Of the above, some do not have common adjectival forms. The "Clintonian Doctrine" was standard, but then see the "Bush Doctrine." I would suggest the same for Eisenhower. Any of these that do not seem happy in the adjectival could probably be replaced with the name plainly.