Printing a poster (over several sheets of paper)

Solution 1:

Install posterazor Install posterazor it will be suitable for you. After installation, you can see posterazor under Applications → Graphics → PosteRazor.

Using posterazor:

  • Step 1: Import your poster
    alt text
  • Step 2: You can see the size of the imported image here.
    alt text
  • Step 3: Enter dimensions and borders alt text
  • Step 4: Enter the overlapping value alt text
  • Step 5: Define the final poster size for multiple sheets.
    alt text
  • Step 6: Save the poster.
    alt text
  • Now you will get all the split images in PDF format.
  • Print the image and integrate it.

Solution 2:

Try using scribus. Its for DTP (Desktop Publishing) only. You will get help here also initial issues of fullcirclemagazine has good tutorial for scribus.

Solution 3:

PosteRazor is great if your input is a raster graphic like a JPEG or PNG image. But in my case, my input was a PDF with lots of vector graphics. Since I was tired of first having to render them into a raster graphic so that PosteRazor could use them and since I didn't want the resulting quality loss either, I wrote a new tool called plakativ. You can grab it here:

If you are on Linux you can install it with pip. Windows executables are also regularly built on AppVeyor CI:

The source code is hosted here:
