Does $A^2 \cong B^2$ imply $A \cong B$ for rings?

Solution 1:

In this answer (and with more detail in this answer) I gave an example, due to Sundaresan, of a compact Hausdorff space $X$ such that if $Y$ and $Z$ are the results of adding one and two isolated points, respectively, to $X$, then $X\sim Z\not\sim Y$, where $\sim$ denotes homeomorphism. Thus, $X\sqcup X\sim X\sqcup Z\sim Y\sqcup Y$, even though $X\not\sim Y$. Let $A=C(X)$ and $B=C(Y)$; then

$$A\times A\cong C(X\sqcup X)\cong C(Y\sqcup Y)\cong B\times B\;,$$

but $A\not\cong B$.