Any term for someone who pretends to be neutral

Is there any term for someone who pretends to be neutral (in discussion), but in fact supports one of sides?

A wolf in sheep's clothing “is used of those playing a role contrary to their real character” (per wikipedia) and may be appropriate or may overstate the case, depending on context.

An impostor is “Someone who attempts to deceive by using an assumed name or identity”; the relevant identity in this case being that of a neutral participant, a participant with no vested interest, etc.

An adjective for behavior mentioned in the question is disingenuous, meaning “Not ingenuous; not frank or open; uncandid; unworthily or meanly artful”. (Ingenuous itself has among its senses “Straightforward, candid, open, and frank.”) Duplicitous, with synonyms like deceitful, double-dealing, and two-faced, also is relevant. (Synonyms of two-faced include deceitful, hypocritical, duplicitous.) Adjective specious, “falsely appearing to be fair, just, or right: appearing to be true but actually false” also applies.

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In some situations, the terms fifth columnist (“someone who belongs to a group that secretly undermines another organization”) and sleeper (“A spy, saboteur, or terrorist who lives unobtrusively in a community until activated by a prearranged signal; may be part of a sleeper cell”) may apply.

I'm going to say mealy-mouthed which is related to speech. It is often used to describe media who tries to convey an idea with an evasive and indirect speech to pretend to be neutral but there is often a hidden agenda or media bias.

In technical contexts and psychology, there is a term pseudo-objectivity which refers to the false sense of objectivity but also defines something that is falsely conceived to be objective. So there is this confusion between objectivity and subjectivity of the source.

And another one - not very widely used, though.

false flagger (plural false flaggers)

A person or group that engages in a false flag operation