Tar a directory, but don't store full absolute paths in the archive

I have the following command in the part of a backup shell script:

tar -cjf site1.bz2 /var/www/site1/

When I list the contents of the archive, I get:

tar -tf site1.bz2

But I would like to remove the part /var/www/site1 from directory and file names within the archive, in order to simplify extraction and avoid useless constant directory structure. Never know, in case I would extract backuped websites in a place where web data weren't stored under /var/www.

For the example above, I would like to have :

tar -tf site1.bz2

So, that when I extract, files are extracted in the current directory and I don't need to move extracted files afterwards, and so that sub-directory structures is preserved.

There are already many questions about tar and backuping in stackoverflow and at other places on the web, but most of them ask for dropping the entire sub-directory structure (flattening), or just add or remove the initial / in the names (I don't know what it changes exactly when extracting), but no more.

After having read some of the solutions found here and there as well as the manual, I tried :

tar -cjf site1.bz2 -C . /var/www/site1/
tar -cjf site1.bz2 -C / /var/www/site1/
tar -cjf site1.bz2 -C /var/www/site1/ /var/www/site1/
tar -cjf site1.bz2 --strip-components=3 /var/www/site1/

But none of them worked the way I want. Some do nothing, some others don't archive sub-directories anymore.

It's inside a backup shell script launched by a Cron, so I don't know well, which user runs it, what is the path and the current directory, so always writing absolute path is required for everything, and would prefer not changing current directory to avoid breaking something further in the script (because it doesn't only backup websites, but also databases, then send all that to FTP etc.)

How to achieve this?

Have I just misunderstood how the option -C works?

tar -cjf site1.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/site1 .

In the above example, tar will change to directory /var/www/site1 before doing its thing because the option -C /var/www/site1 was given.

From man tar:


  -C, --directory DIR
       change to directory DIR

The option -C works; just for clarification I'll post 2 examples:

  1. creation of a tarball without the full path: full path /home/testuser/workspace/project/application.war and what we want is just project/application.war so:

    tar -cvf output_filename.tar  -C /home/testuser/workspace project

    Note: there is a space between workspace and project; tar will replace full path with just project .

  2. extraction of tarball with changing the target path (default to ., i.e current directory)

    tar -xvf output_filename.tar -C /home/deploy/

    tar will extract tarball based on given path and preserving the creation path; in our example the file application.war will be extracted to /home/deploy/project/application.war.

    /home/deploy: given on extract
    project: given on creation of tarball

Note : if you want to place the created tarball in a target directory, you just add the target path before tarball name. e.g.:

tar -cvf /path/to/place/output_filename.tar  -C /home/testuser/workspace project

Seems -C option upto tar v2.8.3 does not work consistently on all the platforms (OSes). -C option is said to add directory to the archive but on Mac and Ubuntu it adds absolute path prefix inside generated tar.gz file.

tar target_path/file.tar.gz -C source_path/source_dir

Therefore the consistent and robust solution is to cd in to source_path (parent directory of source_dir) and run

tar target_path/file.tar.gz source_dir


tar -cf target_path/file.tar.gz source_dir

in your script. This will remove absolute path prefix in your generated tar.gz file's directory structure.

The following command will create a root directory "." and put all the files from the specified directory into it.

tar -cjf site1.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/site1 .

If you want to put all files in root of the tar file, @chinthaka is right. Just cd in to the directory and do:

tar -cjf target_path/file.tar.gz *

This will put all the files in the cwd to the tar file as root files.

One minor detail:

tar -cjf site1.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/site1 .

adds the files as

tar -tf site1.tar.bz2

If you really want

tar -tf site1.tar.bz2

You should either cd into the directory first or run

tar -cjf site1.tar.bz2 -C /var/www/site1 $(ls /var/www/site1)