Where is the central ZFS website now?

Oracle dumped OpenSolaris in Fall 2010, and it is unclear if Oracle will continue to publicly release updates to ZFS, except maybe after they release their next major version of Solaris.

FreeBSD now has ZFS v28 available for testing.

But where did v28 come from? I notice that the main ZFS website does not show version 28 available. Has this website been abandoned? If so, where is the central website for the ZFS project, so that I can browse the repo, read the mailing lists, read the release notes, etc.

(I realize that OpenSolaris has been dumped by Oracle, and that they are limiting their ZFS releases to the community).

Solution 1:

Much has happened since I asked this question in October 2010.

As of September 2013, a new collaboration known as OpenZFS will serve as a central site for several ZFS projects. The new site is http://open-zfs.org/ (with a dash)

Today at LinuxCon North America, Brian Behlendorf and Matthew Ahrens are announcing that members from the illumos, zfsonlinux.org, FreeBSD and MacOSX ZFS communities have created a project called "OpenZFS" to combine their efforts.

Here is the announcement to the FreeBSD community from FreeBSD Foundation President Justin Gibbs, and the announcement to the illumos community from Matthew Ahrens at Delphix.

Brian Behlendorf (creator of zfsonlinux.org) announced this on [email protected] today:

From: "Behlendorf, Brian D." <behlendorf--->
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: [zfs-announce] OpenZFS
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 16:46:40 +0000

Today we announce OpenZFS: the truly open source successor to the ZFS project.

ZFS is the world's most advanced filesystem, in active development for over a decade. Recent development has continued in the open, and OpenZFS is the new formal name for this open community of developers, users, and companies improving, using, and building on ZFS. Founded by members of the Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and illumos communities, including Matt Ahrens, one of the two original authors of ZFS, the OpenZFS community brings together over a hundred software developers from these platforms.

You can read more about OpenZFS at our website: http://open-zfs.org (don't forget the dash!)

Old news from December 2012:

Oracle is still pretty closed about it's ZFS development.

As ZFS outside of Oracle is concerned, the primary upstream seems to be illumos. The major players in the non-Oracle ZFS scene all seem to be collaborating on the illumos kernel, which provides ZFS.

  • FreeBSD is tracking illumos ZFS ("The current vendor of ZFS code for FreeBSD is the Illumos project").
  • zfsonlinux.org is tracking the illumos zfs code
  • Nexenta and OpenIndiana are cooperating on the Illumian project at illumos.org
  • Joyent's SmartOS is based on illumos
  • Many core OpenSolaris developers have left Sun/Oracle and work for companies who support illumos. Zoom to minute 40:00:00 of the presentation Fork Yeah! The Rise and Development of illumos, by Bryan Cantrill, VP of Joyent, creator of Dtrace and other things.

Solution 2:

Oracle officially killed OpenSolaris, so the website will not be updated anymore. FreeBSD is working with the IllumOS project to advance ZFS at this point (their website is still a bit scant on details). I don't know if these changes are derived from actual Solaris 11 development or not, nor if the changes will be merged into the official project (a likely outcome).

Solution 3:

The zfs mailing list remains on opensolaris.org, and Oracle has not established a new public website for their ongoing ZFS development project.

Update (2013): The opensolaris.org website has now been shut down, and Oracle’s ZFS mailing list has moved to the new Solaris-ZFS.java.net website.