Why does everything display at once, using setTimeout in Javascript?

As stated in the comments, you are creating 1000 timeouts for 500 ms at the same time - after 500 ms all of them will be executed. What you want is to increase the timeout for every scheduled function:

setTimeout(function() {
    // do something
}, count * 500);

However, creating 1000 timeouts at once is not a that good idea. It would be better to use setInterval or call setTimeout "recursively" until a count of 1000 is reached, so that you only have one active timeout at a time.

var count = 0;
function update() {
    // do something
    if (++count < 1000)
        setTimeout(update, 500);
    // else everything is done

Also, if you intend to create timeouts in a loop, be sure to be familiar with closures and their behavior when accessing counter variables after the loop ran.