Crash logs generated by iPhone Simulator?

The console will show the NSLog() output from an app running in the simulator. The crash logs are saved to file.

I have found some in my home directory under


They have a file extension of .crash

Something I haven't yet figured out is how to get them to generate even if the debugger grabs the EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal.


Currently, (OSX 10.11.6), the .crash logs in ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports, are when the emulator itself crashes. Logs for an app crashing (but the emulator device is still running fine), are in:


Per crash, there is a sub-folder with a unique id. Sort by date, so that your recent crash is the first sub-folder. Inside that, start by looking at stderr.log and system.log.

Also directly under CoreSimulator, see CoreSimulator.log and Simulator.log.

I am pretty sure that you can see this in the OS X Console app located in Utilities. If I'm wrong though, be sure to vote me the heck down so I delete this.


Specifically (as of OSX 10.11.6),

When an app crashes on emulator, a subfolder (with a unique id) is added to:


Within that, start by examining stderr.log and system.log.

When the emulator itself crashes, a subfolder is added to:


Don't confuse this path with


(lacking ~ at start), which has different reports about your mac.

Here’s something that worked for me in a special case... My app was crashing with SIGKILL as it terminated. I would see the exception in main.m for a few seconds, and then the app would finish terminating – thus, no chance to get the back trace.

I did a lot of searching on “where does simulator store its crash logs” and never managed to find an answer. However, the following trick came in quite handy and I was able to grab the crash log on the fly:

Basically, open /Applications/Utilities/ and change the setting to “Developer”. This will cause CrashReporter to display a popup with the crash log after your app crashes.

I found this in the “Viewing iOS Simulator Console and Crash Logs” section in this doc from Apple: