There's an issue with an Alpha/Beta Release of Ubuntu, what should I do?

I've been running Alpha releases of Ubuntu for some time now. I keep running into issues - how can I get these resolved? What should I do when I encounter these problems? And where can I find other Ubuntu+1 users to ask questions?

General Alpha Information

If you've been redirected here you've probably asked a question about an Alpha or Beta release of Ubuntu.

Generally speaking we don't take questions about running or using unreleased versions of Ubuntu releases here since development releases change almost by the hour and usually it's broken and alpha testers are expected to give direct feedback to the developers via the bug tracker so that these issues can be fixed for everyone.

It's not that we don't care, we just wouldn't be good at it and one of the main purposes of the site is to create a reusable resource for users, which would be hard if we had a bunch of questions about something that quickly became out of date!

The answers in this question will help you get started, good luck, and thanks for testing!

File bugs

You should file bugs for the relevant package that you are having problems with. Bugs are one of the main advantages of having developer releases - they provide valuable information to the developers and help them to improve the software.

How do I report a bug?

If you are unsure which package to file the bug against, please use the other resources (forums, mailing lists etc.) to ask which package you should file it against.

Debugging Information will help you file bugs.


  • If your question on Ask Ubuntu was linked to this answer then this is where you should probably go to repost your problem.

The Ubuntu Forums' Development & Programming section is a good place to start. The precise subforum depends on the release, but at the moment you want the Ubuntu Development Version.

Take a look through the recent threads and see if anything looks like the problem you are experiencing. If it doesn't you should create a new thread detailing your experiences.