Can I choose the name of a folder in Launchpad?
Solution 1:
Posted as an answer so I can have all the formatting benefits, instead of directly responding to your comment on @mwidmann's answer;
TUAW recently posted a writeup on how to "fix" your Launchpad database when problems begin to occur;
Removing the database files from the user's Dock application support folder and restarting the Dock allows Mission Control and the Launchpad to re-build the database from scratch, updating the presentation with all the new applications.
Here are HaiTeq's steps, with a few modifications on my part for safety. Admittedly, if you are not comfortable at the command line, this is not the hack for you.
Launch Terminal:
Navigate to the Application Support folder in question:
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Dock
Open the folder (
open .
) and drag all the .db files to the trash.Restart Dock:
sudo killall Dock
, and authenticate when the dialog prompts you for your username/password.
Solution 2:
You can simply double click on the name of the group which will then be turned into a text box where you can enter any name you like.