Excel: last character/string match in a string

Solution 1:

I think I get what you mean. Let's say for example you want the right-most \ in the following string (which is stored in cell A1):


To get the position of the last \, you would use this formula:


That tells us the right-most \ is at character 24. It does this by looking for "@" and substituting the very last "\" with an "@". It determines the last one by using

(len(string)-len(substitute(string, substring, "")))\len(substring)

In this scenario, the substring is simply "\" which has a length of 1, so you could leave off the division at the end and just use:


Now we can use that to get the folder path:


Here's the folder path without the trailing \


And to get just the filename:


However, here is an alternate version of getting everything to the right of the last instance of a specific character. So using our same example, this would also return the file name:


Solution 2:

How about creating a custom function and using that in your formula? VBA has a built-in function, InStrRev, that does exactly what you're looking for.

Put this in a new module:

Function RSearch(str As String, find As String)
    RSearch = InStrRev(str, find)
End Function

And your function will look like this (assuming the original string is in B1):


Solution 3:

With newer versions of excel come new functions and thus new methods. Though it's replicable in older versions (yet I have not seen it before), when one has Excel O365 one can use:


This can also be used to retrieve the last position of (overlapping) substrings:


| Value  | Pattern | Formula                                        | Position |
| XYYZ   | Y       | =MATCH(2,1/(MID(A2,SEQUENCE(LEN(A2)),1)="Y"))  | 3        |
| XYYYZ  | YY      | =MATCH(2,1/(MID(A3,SEQUENCE(LEN(A3)),2)="YY")) | 3        |
| XYYYYZ | YY      | =MATCH(2,1/(MID(A4,SEQUENCE(LEN(A4)),2)="YY")) | 4        |

Whilst this both allows us to no longer use an arbitrary replacement character and it allows overlapping patterns, the "downside" is the useage of an array.

Note: You can force the same behaviour in older Excel versions through either


Entered through CtrlShiftEnter, or using an inline INDEX to get rid of implicit intersection:


Solution 4:

tigeravatar and Jean-François Corbett suggested to use this formula to generate the string right of the last occurrence of the "\" character


If the character used as separator is space, " ", then the formula has to be changed to:


No need to mention, the "{" character can be replaced with any character that would not "normally" occur in the text to process.

Solution 5:

Just came up with this solution, no VBA needed;

Find the last occurance of "_" in my example;


Explained inside out;

SUBSTITUTE(A1;"_";"") => replace "_" by spaces
LEN( *above* ) => count the chars
LEN(A1)- *above*  => indicates amount of chars replaced (= occurrences of "_")
SUBSTITUTE(A1;"_";CHAR(1); *above* ) => replace the Nth occurence of "_" by CHAR(1) (Nth = amount of chars replaced = the last one)
FIND(CHAR(1); *above* ) => Find the CHAR(1), being the last (replaced) occurance of "_" in our case
IFERROR( *above* ;"0") => in case no chars were found, return "0"

Hope this was helpful.