Why is `i = ++i + 1` unspecified behavior?

Solution 1:

You make the mistake of thinking of operator= as a two-argument function, where the side effects of the arguments must be completely evaluated before the function begins. If that were the case, then the expression i = ++i + 1 would have multiple sequence points, and ++i would be fully evaluated before the assignment began. That's not the case, though. What's being evaluated in the intrinsic assignment operator, not a user-defined operator. There's only one sequence point in that expression.

The result of ++i is evaluated before the assignment (and before the addition operator), but the side effect is not necessarily applied right away. The result of ++i + 1 is always the same as i + 2, so that's the value that gets assigned to i as part of the assignment operator. The result of ++i is always i + 1, so that's what gets assigned to i as part of the increment operator. There is no sequence point to control which value should get assigned first.

Since the code is violating the rule that "between the previous and next sequence point a scalar object shall have its stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an expression," the behavior is undefined. Practically, though, it's likely that either i + 1 or i + 2 will be assigned first, then the other value will be assigned, and finally the program will continue running as usual — no nasal demons or exploding toilets, and no i + 3, either.

Solution 2:

It's undefined behaviour, not (just) unspecified behaviour because there are two writes to i without an intervening sequence point. It is this way by definition as far as the standard specifies.

The standard allows compilers to generate code that delays writes back to storage - or from another view point, to resequence the instructions implementing side effects - any way it chooses so long as it complies with the requirements of sequence points.

The issue with this statement expression is that it implies two writes to i without an intervening sequence point:

i = i++ + 1;

One write is for the value of the original value of i "plus one" and the other is for that value "plus one" again. These writes could happen in any order or blow up completely as far as the standard allows. Theoretically this even gives implementations the freedom to perform writebacks in parallel without bothering to check for simultaneous access errors.

Solution 3:

C/C++ defines a concept called sequence points, which refer to a point in execution where it's guaranteed that all effects of previous evaluations will have already been performed. Saying i = ++i + 1 is undefined because it increments i and also assigns i to itself, neither of which is a defined sequence point alone. Therefore, it is unspecified which will happen first.

Solution 4:

Update for C++11 (09/30/2011)

Stop, this is well defined in C++11. It was undefined only in C++03, but C++11 is more flexible.

int i = 0;
i = ++i + 1;

After that line, i will be 2. The reason for this change was ... because it already works in practice and it would have been more work to make it be undefined than to just leave it defined in the rules of C++11 (actually, that this works now is more of an accident than a deliberate change, so please don't do it in your code!).

Straight from the horse's mouth


Solution 5:

Given two choices: defined or undefined, which choice would you have made?

The authors of the standard had two choices: define the behavior or specify it as undefined.

Given the clearly unwise nature of writing such code in the first place, it doesn't make any sense to specify a result for it. One would want to discourage code like that and not encourage it. It's not useful or necessary for anything.

Furthermore, standards committees do not have any way to force compiler writers to do anything. Had they required a specific behavior it is likely that the requirement would have been ignored.

There are practical reasons as well, but I suspect they were subordinate to the above general consideration. But for the record, any sort of required behavior for this kind of expression and related kinds will restrict the compiler's ability to generate code, to factor out common subexpressions, to move objects between registers and memory, etc. C was already handicapped by weak visibility restrictions. Languages like Fortran long ago realized that aliased parameters and globals were an optimization-killer and I believe they simply prohibited them.

I know you were interested in a specific expression, but the exact nature of any given construct doesn't matter very much. It's not going to be easy to predict what a complex code generator will do and the language attempts to not require those predictions in silly cases.