using requests with TLS doesn't give SNI support

I'm using requests to communicate with a django app but

When I try

requests.get('', verify=True)

I get the error:

hostname '' doesn't match either of '*', ''

However, when I look at the browser, or the certificate looks fine and dandy.

My host suggested it was the lack of SNI support from requests (and Github seems to confirm that ). Has anyone found a work-around using requests?

The current version of Requests should be just fine with SNI. Further down the GitHub issue you can see the requirements:

  • pyOpenSSL
  • ndg-httpsclient
  • pyasn1

Try installing those packages and then give it another shot.

EDIT: As of Requests v2.12.1, ndg-httpsclient and pyasn1 are no longer required. The full list of required packages is now:

  • pyOpenSSL
  • idna

In order for me to get the accepted answer to work, I had to install a bunch of other packages, in this order:

  • yum install libffi-devel
  • yum install gcc
  • yum install openssl-devel
  • pip install urllib3
  • pip install pyopenssl
  • pip install ndg-httpsclient
  • pip install pyasn1

Install requests module like this. This will install the security package extras.

pip install requests[security]

Or you can just use Python 2.7.9 and up:

"The entirety of Python 3.4's ssl module has been backported for Python 2.7.9. See PEP 466 for justification."