Most efficient way of aquiring gold

I've found the following 2 strategies for making money:

  1. Idle on the highest level where you can defeat an enemy nearly instantaneously
  2. Idle on the highest boss you have access to

For my game so far, this usually boils down to a choice between [boss level] or [boss level - 1]. Is it faster to make money by killing smaller creatures faster, or by repeatedly tackling the bosses?

Check gold reward vs mobs HP at:


If you divide money by HP you get how costly money reward for spent damage. In early games this ratio - 0.066 and this value grows with level. Seems that data wikia data outdated.

People at wikia recommend grind on latest available level as ratio increased at current v0.14.

That true as reversed formula for gold v0.14/v0.15:


So up to level 75 - there are no difference (except mob respawn time penalty) - 1/15, after that multiplier increased up to 120 lvl and become 3 and no more changed.

Some say that on level boss+1, boss+2 ration lesser then on boss-1, boss-2 but seems that no longer true.

Decompiling old version of game show formula where gold in linear dependency on mob heals which is no longer true.

Also offline gold calculation (when you open game from idle) take in account latest opened level and this currently take the best value.

As game in alpha stage - all may change tomorrow.

Also note that mob respawn take 0.5-0.7 sec. So it is better beat long lived huge HP mobs then most of the time spend on waiting respawn ))

Also take in account that after your first ascension, you unlock "Progression mode" which automatically moves you up until you fail to defeat a boss, after which it puts you back down one level and turns off progression mode.