Number to the exponent divided by exponent value

Can someone explain including working out how to solve this?

$$\dfrac{5^x}{x} = 79.85957$$

I know that the answer is $x = 3.5$, but how does one normalise the equation so that the x is on one side?

See here for a related problem. We can solve the equation in terms of the Lambert W function,

$$ \frac{5^x}{x}=c \Rightarrow \frac{ {\rm e}^{x \ln(5)} }{x} = c \Rightarrow \frac{ {\rm e}^{z } }{z} = \frac{c}{\ln(5)}\,, $$

where $z=x\ln(5)$. The last equation has the solution $$ z= -\operatorname{LambertW} \left( -{\frac {\ln \left( 5 \right) }{c}} \right) \,,$$

where the Lambert W function is the solution of the equation $ y{\rm e}^{y}=x \,. $

Substituting $z = x \ln(5)$ and $c=79.85957$ gives the two real solutions

$$ x_1 = -\frac{1}{\ln(5)} \operatorname{LambertW}_{-1} \left( -{\frac {\ln \left( 5 \right) }{79.85957}} \right) = 3.499999994 $$ and

$$ x_2 = -\frac{1}{\ln(5)}\operatorname{LambertW}_{0} \left( -{\frac {\ln \left( 5 \right) }{79.85957}} \right) = 0.01278225404 \,. $$