How to enable Shell Acess over HTTP/Web Browser?

Solution 1:

Ajaxterm is nice and reasonably simple to set up.

Solution 2:

As I can't comment yet, I'll post this as an answer: Please make sure to setup https (SSL) if you use Ajaxterm for a SSH session. All the SSH-encryption won't be of any use if the traffic between your browser and the webserver isn't encrypted. You'll find a "Howto setup https" further down the Ajaxterm-page posted by Alex.

Solution 3:

The webmin suite ( has this (and far far more, if you're interested)

Solution 4:

I know this question is kind of old at this point but it is still showing up in lots of Google search results so I thought I'd provide an updated answer:

Gate One (HTML5 Terminal Emulator/SSH client): Gate One source code: ...and here's a video overview if you like that sort of thing:

Gate One has many advantages over the other answers but this isn't the place to enumerate them. Just see the links above for the details.

Full disclosure: I am the author of Gate One.