How to make Google SketchUp work with Intel graphics in Wine?

My pc has an Intel DH57JG mainboard, I've installed wine, launching sketchup I receive error that I don't have OpenGL installed, is there a way to configure/install it? On my previous pc with an NVidia video card installing official NVidia driver resolved it. Is there is a way to do the same with the Intel card?

Running locate libgl on a terminal returns no results.

thanks in advance.

I've installed SketchUp 8 and had the same error.

Here's how I got it to work:

  • Open a Terminal, or press Alt+F2 and type

    wine regedit
  • Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Google → SketchUp8 → GLConfig → Display

  • Change the value of HW_OK to 1 (so that it shows up as 0x00000001 (1))

Then start SketchUp

I hope this works for you as well :)