Software center not opening [duplicate]

Solution 1:


cd ~/.cache; rm -r software-center

in a terminal.

Credits to Joker Dino :P

Solution 2:

I have been seeing pretty much exactly the same thing, seeing the same problems in the same version (fresh Ubuntu 12.04). I tried similar things and they also didn't work for me. Apparently there are other software installers available, as suggested in the answer to this thread.

I found an answer on my computer! It was a variation on the reinstallation solution above, which I applied when trying to solve another problem which turned out to be a side effect of this one. The cause, for me, was apparently something in the Ubuntu Software Center cache, messing up both it and the Dash search. So another thread got me to do what worked for me, which was this:

rm ~/.cache/software-center -R
unity --reset &

Solution 3:

Adding a community-wiki answer based on one of the comments on a duplicate question.

Add /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 to the Startup applications.

  • How do I start applications automatically on login?