What is the word for a person who never listens to other people's opinions and ideas? [closed]

Solution 1:

Narrow-minded (“having restricted or rigid views, and being unreceptive to new ideas”), small-minded (“Selfish, petty; constrained in thought, limited in scope of consideration, not mindful of the big picture”), and previously-mentioned close-minded (“unreceptive to new ideas or information; not open to any agreement”) are all relevant, as are some of their synonyms like hidebound (“Stubborn; narrow-minded; inflexible”) and previously-mentioned pigheaded (“Obstinate and stubborn to the point of stupidity”).

Also consider intolerant (“... close-minded about new or different ideas. indisposed to tolerate contrary opinions or beliefs; impatient of dissent or opposition; denying or refusing the right of private opinion or choice in others ...”) and illiberal (“narrow-minded; bigoted”).

Calling the person blinkered, meaning fitted with blinkers, which are “eye shields attached to a hood for horses, to prevent them from seeing backwards and partially sideways” or blindered would imply they can only see straight ahead, ie only what they are already looking at.

Some terms mentioned in previous ELU questions (1,2,3,4,5,6) are relevant. Links to wiktionary definitions are shown.
myopic, “narrow minded”
solipsist, “One who adheres to self-absorption and an ignorance of the views or needs of others”
self centered, “Of a person, egotistically obsessed with himself or herself”
uncooperative, ie not working well with others
ossified, lit., converted to bone, fig., inflexible and rigid in habits or opinions

Solution 2:

I can't think of any nouns referring to such a person but the adjective pigheaded covers it well and the attitude is pigheadedness. You might use pighead to refer to a pigheaded person, but this is not a normal usage and I expect a lot of people wouldn't get it unless you explained what you meant.

  1. (pejorative) Obstinate and stubborn to the point of stupidity.

source: Wikitionary

Solution 3:

I think headstrong conveys the idea: (adj)

  1. Determined to have one's own way; stubbornly and often recklessly willful. See Synonyms at obstinate, unruly.
  2. Resulting from willfulness and obstinacy.


  • "You're the most headstrong person I've ever met," he said forcefully, and abruptly turned away.

  • His influence was paramount, though he protested against his master's headstrong championship of the Bourbons.

source: www.yourdictionary.com

Solution 4:

Adamant - unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion (from MW)

Inflexible - unwilling to change or compromise. (taken from Oed)