A word for one who loves only one girl throughout his life

Just like one wife man is called : monogamous.

Is there any word for one who loves just one girl throughout his life time. For him one life, one girl matters.

History has seen such people. Are such people's action(of loving just one) also described in words ?

Solution 1:

You might say "one woman man", meaning for that particular man, there was only one woman. Usage: He was a one woman man, and after his wife died, he never remarried.

Equally you could say, "one man woman", meaning for that particular woman, there was only one man. Usage: She was a one man woman who remained single after her love married another.

In "one woman man", the phrase "one woman" acts as an adjective to describe the man.

In English I am unaware of a single word to convey the meaning you require, other than monogamous.

Additionally, in English, monogamous is not gender specific. A woman can be equally as monogamous as a man. Usage: Both Bill and Mary were monogamous. Luckily they were married to each other.

Solution 2:

I would use "eternally devoted" or "devotes his/her life to his/her wife/husband/woman/man". I know these are not one words but they are the most pithy way I could think of to describe what you're describing.

Solution 3:

If it was me trying to describe someone like this, I'd refer somehow to an animal that is well known for monogamy.

“They showed Swan-like dedication to each other.”

“She's a real Turtle-Dove.”

“He's an old Albatross.”

None of these are particularly good, but you could choose any one of the animals that mates for life, and create a term around it that's highly unique and relevant to your context.