Show tabs in Chrome full screen mode?

Solution 1:

I'm using Google Chrome (Version 22.0.1229.79) and fullscreen mode still shows the tabs!

You can toggle fullscreen mode using:

  • mac: Shift + Cmd + F
  • windows: F11

and you can toggle the bookmarks bar using:

  • mac: Shift + Cmd + B
  • windows: Shift + Ctrl + B

Which gives you lots more space!

Solution 2:

Try Ctrl+Cmd+F.

That exits presentation mode and (I think) solves your problem.

Solution 3:

The extension Fullscreen address bar does:

Address bar for fullscreen mode : Use F6 key or move mouse to top screen.
Tab list : Use ctrl key and top/down arrows


Solution 4:

The most recent version is go to "View" and activate

Always Show Toolbar in Full Screen

It says Shift+Command+F also works, but that didn't work for my computer.

Solution 5:

I just toggle the bookmarks bar on and off (ctrl-shift-B) when I need a little bit more space, but not so much more that I use fullscreen mode. There's no way to toggle the address bar as well.

Ctrl-tab still works when you're in fullscreen mode, so this is good enough for me.