Workaround for YouTube to appear in Apple TV

YouTube has changed their API from version 2 to version 3, and on May 1st they shut down access to any program/web page or service that accessed the YouTube v2 API. This included older Apple TVs. In order to actually get a working YouTube program on his Apple TV, he will need a new one, which has an updated YouTube program using the new API.

Other than that, AirPlay is your only option. Which he doesn't seem to like.

Update: AirPlay may no longer works as a fix for this on older Apple TV's. It thinks it is playing an audio file and no picture appears on screen.

Apple has officially ended youtube apps on atv2 Im in a similar situation like urs We will have to wait and watch for a workaround

It is possible that your father accidentally removed the Youtube button from the interface. You should go the the Apple TV Settings > Main Menu and select "Show" for the Youtube channel. While in this menu, you can "Hide" all the other channels not in use. See this page for a visual guide on how to hide and show channels.

Here's Youtube displaying on my third gen Apple TV: enter image description here