Error in FTP connection using domain name, username and password?

I have following details only

domain (I have not Server IP address) UserId: abc Password:123456

when I am trying to connect ftp through Filezilla or Myftp it gives error like

Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".

Please suggest me solution.

Solution 1:

I had this error too. My domian name was a subdomain like And cpanel ftp configuration guided me that ftp server is Fillzilla was unable to connect and showed this error:

Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".

This error is for dns resolving. I just removed "ftp." from and it works now

Solution 2:

Remove "ftp." from HOST name. e.g. if your website is & you are using "" then try with "" only as host name.... it simply worked with me!

Solution 3:

It is Name resolution error. your domain name is not correct. Check for spelling mistakes or try using the IP address. You can use ping in windows to find out ip address of your server.