PostgreSQL 9.1 adminpack install

admin pack can be found in /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension

To install

sudo -u postgres psql


Also to see a list of installed extensions select * from pg_extension;

The answer above works great. You just have to remember that you need to do this for every database, as the extensions are installed per database. The instructions above install the extensions in the database named postgres. To install it in your database just switch to your database:

\c yourdb and repeat the process: CREATE EXTENSION adminpack On Ubuntu the admin pack is in the postgresql-contrib package.

First, if you haven't installed contrib:

sudo apt-get install postgresql-contrib

To iterate over several databases:

sudo su postgres;
for db in $(psql -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;" | sed '1,2d' | head -n -2 | grep -v '^ postgres$'); do
  echo "Adding adminpack to ${db}"
  psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;" ${db};

As a one(ish)-liner:

sudo su postgres;
for db in $(psql -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;" | sed '1,2d' | head -n -2 | grep -v '^ postgres$'); do psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION adminpack;" ${db}; done