I threw a coin in a well that [was] or [is] in the forest [duplicate]

Which statement is correct and why?

I threw a coin in a well that was in the forest.


I threw a coin in a well that is in the forest.

Also, is the "is/was" before "in the forest" called a linking verb?

Lastly, is the phrase "that [was/is] in the forest" an adjectival phrase that is describing forest?

Solution 1:

The difference between the two options is partly a matter of nuance. The first one, using "was", allows the reader to wonder if perhaps the well no longer exists, while the choice using "is" makes it clear that the well is still there (at the time of writing), and there is more chance the reader could throw a coin into the same well.

The phrase "that was in the forest" is an adjectival phrase, but does not describe the forest, but rather the well.