How do I fix the Dragon Age 2 armor glitch?

In Dragon Age 2, there is a glitch where if you unequip and re-equip a shield, then it permanently increases your character's armor by 34 each time. Is there a way to fix or avoid this glitch? (The glitch occurs even if you just replace one shield with another shield, so you can't avoid the glitch just by never unequipping a shield if you want to upgrade the shield.) Is there a patch or something to fix this problem? I am using the Xbox 360 version.

There is no fix at the moment. The only thing you can do is not equip any shields until you find the final upgrade. I didn't catch the glitch until the start of Act 2, so even with my tank's default shield, her armor rating was higher than it should have been.

Hoping for a patch because this is a game breaker.

I have downloaded the latest patch and it fixes the issues.