Problem with mounting NTFS USB HDD via Tuxera in Lion

I've just updated to Lion and noticed that I cannot mount my NTFS USB HDD. I'm using Tuxera and it gives me the error listed below.

Has anybody encountered this error? Any working solution will be appreciated, thanks in regards.

Tuxera NTFS could not mount /dev/disk1s1
at /Volumes/MYHDD because the following problem occurred:

CBCIO activated with:
/Library/Filesystems/fusefs.fs/Support/fusefs.kext failed to load - (libkern/kext) link error; check the system/kernel logs for errors or try kextutil(8).
the MacFUSE file system is not available (71)
__ntfs_volume_release(): Inode 9 still have 1 references.

Solution 1:

I had the same problem, and after a search over the web, I found the following updated package of macfuse that worked for me: