Bash: create anonymous fifo

You can unlink a named pipe immediately after attaching it to the current process, which practically results in an anonymous pipe:

# create a temporary named pipe
PIPE=$(mktemp -u)
mkfifo $PIPE
# attach it to file descriptor 3
exec 3<>$PIPE
# unlink the named pipe
rm $PIPE
# anything we write to fd 3 can be read back from it
echo 'Hello world!' >&3
head -n1 <&3
# close the file descriptor when we are finished (optional)
exec 3>&-

If you really want to avoid named pipes (e.g. the filesystem is read-only), your "get a grip of the file descriptors" idea also works. Note that this is Linux-specific due to the use of procfs.

# start a background pipeline with two processes running forever
tail -f /dev/null | tail -f /dev/null &
# save the process ids
PID1=$(jobs -p %+)
# hijack the pipe's file descriptors using procfs
exec 3>/proc/$PID1/fd/1 4</proc/$PID2/fd/0
# kill the background processes we no longer need
# (using disown suppresses the 'Terminated' message)
disown $PID2
kill $PID1 $PID2
# anything we write to fd 3 can be read back from fd 4
echo 'Hello world!' >&3
head -n1 <&4
# close the file descriptors when we are finished (optional)
exec 3>&- 4<&-

While none of the shells I know can make pipes without forking, some do have better than the basic shell pipeline.

In bash, ksh and zsh, assuming your system supports /dev/fd (most do nowadays), you can tie the input or the output of a command to a file name: <(command) expands to a file name that designates a pipe connected to the output from command, and >(command) expands to a file name that designates a pipe connected to the input of command. This feature is called process substitution. Its primary purpose is to pipe more than one command into or out of another, e.g.,

diff <(transform <file1) <(transform <file2)
tee >(transform1 >out1) >(transform2 >out2)

This is also useful to combat some of the shortcomings of basic shell pipes. For example, command2 < <(command1) is equivalent to command1 | command2, except that its status is that of command2. Another use case is exec > >(postprocessing), which is equivalent to, but more readable than, putting the whole rest of the script inside { ... } | postprocessing.

Bash 4 has coprocesses.

A coprocess is executed asynchronously in a subshell, as if the command had been terminated with the ‘&’ control operator, with a two-way pipe established between the executing shell and the coprocess.

The format for a coprocess is:

coproc [NAME] command [redirections] 

While @DavidAnderson's answer covers all the bases and offers some nice safeguards, the most important thing it reveals is that getting your hands on an anonymous pipe is as easy as <(:), as long as you stay on Linux.

So the shortest and simplest answer to your question is:

exec 5<> <(:)

On macOS it won't work, then you'll need to create a temporary directory to house the named fifo in until you've redirected to it. I don't know about other BSDs.

As of October 2012 this functionality still doesn't seem to exist in Bash, but coproc can be used if all you need unnamed/anonymous pipes for is to talk to a child process. Problem with coproc at this point is that apparently only one is supported at a time. I can't figure out why coproc got this limitation. They should have been an enhancement of the existing task backgrounding code (the & op), but that's a question for the authors of bash.