Why is 'dir()' named 'dir' in python?

Solution 1:

IIRC I named it after the DIR command in DOS.

Solution 2:

It gives you a directory of all attributes of an object.

This is not a directory as used in file systems, but the standard usage: a listing of names or data.

Solution 3:

You're retrieving a "directory", a list of all of the stuff that's available in some resource.

Solution 4:

This answer will be most useful to those new to Python.

I am learning Python and just this morning was thinking about the builtin constants and functions that are available in the language.

I find it interesting that you only have to remember three things:

There is a 'special' builtin function dir().

There is a 'system variable' __builtins__.

dir(__builtins__) outputs a view of 'Python's builtin world'.

So what does dir mean? I've settled on this for now:

directions: supplies maps for traversing the Python Landscape.

See also:

dir(): Display a namespace's names

So if you want, you could also let dir stand for

display inside rubric