The most recent version of ScraperWiki depends on Poppler (or so the GitHub says). Unfortunately, it only specifies how to get it on macOS and Linux, not Windows.

A quick googling turned up nothing too promising. Does anyone know how to get Poppler on Windows for ScraperWiki?

Other answers have linked to the correct download page for Windows users but do not specify how to install them for the uninitiated.

  1. Go to this page and download the binary of your choice. In this example we will download and use poppler-0.68.0_x86.

  2. Extract the archive file poppler-0.68.0_x86.7z into C:\Program Files. Thus, the directory structure should look something like this:

    └ Program Files
        └ poppler-0.68.0_x86
            └ bin
            └ include
            └ lib
            └ share
  1. Add C:\Program Files\poppler-0.68.0_x86\bin to your system PATH by doing the following: Click on the Windows start button, search for Edit the system environment variables, click on Environment Variables..., under System variables, look for and double-click on PATH, click on New, then add C:\Users\Program Files\poppler-0.68.0_x86\bin, click OK.

  2. If you are using a terminal to execute poppler (e.g. running pdf2image in command line), you may need to reopen your terminal for poppler to work.

  3. Done!

Poppler Windows binaries are available from -- but note that those aren't quite up-to-date.

If you're looking for Python (2.7) bindings (as this question's tag suggests), I requested them in the past via this bug report. A couple of people apparently managed to produce something, but I haven't checked those out yet.

As for a more recent (python bindings unrelated) poppler Windows binaries Google result, see

Finally, there's the brand-new (and currently very frequently updated) PyGObject all-in-one installer (mainly aiming to provide PyGObject-instrospected Gtk+3 Python bindings etc. for Windows), so if that's what you're looking for, go to

With anaconda installed on windows one can simply execute:

conda install -c conda-forge poppler

Download Poppler Packaged for Windows

I threw together a quick repo with the latest Poppler prebuilt-binaries packaged with dependencies for Windows. Built with the help of conda-forge and poppler-feedstock. Includes the latest poppler-data.