How does Close Enough interact with explosive weapons?

Solution 1:

It depends on the projectile of the explosive weapon. If the explosive weapon cannot score critical hits (e.g. most rocket launchers, and weapons using folding fin rockets or grenades as ammo), it will not ricochet towards the target

If the explosive weapon can score critical hits (e.g. most explosive weapons using gyrojet projectiles as ammo), it will ricochet (even though they appear to explode on impact). More details regarding which explosive weapons can or cannot score critical hits here: Which explosive guns can cause critical hits?

I tested the ff. explosive weapons at the target practice at Marcus' shop:

Weapon  —  Ammo Type  —  Can ricochet with Close Enough

Unkempt Harold  -  Gyrojet  -  Yes
KerBlaster  -  Folding fin rockets - No
Badaboom  -  Rockets  -  No